Jujutsu Kaisen is an incredible series.

In many ways it feels like a shonen series, but so much darker. Having watched Jujutsu Kaisen Season 1 Part 1 I was so very sold on this gem, and so when I found out there was a movie set as a prequel, I was keen as hell.

Jujutsu Kaisen 0 kicks off with a new character, Yuta, who is being bullied when he calls on a curse to take out his bullies.  We jump to Jujutsu High where the decision is made to give Yuta a chance as a student. Here we discover that his curse is an old friend, Rika, who bound herself to him, and is insanely powerful.

Jujitsu Kaisen

Gonna be pretty hard to talk too much more about the plot without spoiling all the good bits, so I will briefly talk vaguely about what’s up. Basically we see Uta train up and learn about the world of curses, and we discover a big bad guy. An ex-student who is collecting curses to do bad things. He discovers Rika and so hatches a plan to try to capture her, in bad guy ways of course.

On the whole it’s a great little story in a fascinating world.

There is some exposition early on to explain a bit about the world, but it’s far from in depth. As such this may not be the easiest way for newbies to be introduced to the series.  It is definitely enough to get you through the movie, but the first episodes of Jujutsu Kaisen Season 1 do a much better job. If you’re not willing to commit to a full season then this will work as a fun movie to try it out, but if you have the time, start with the series.

Jujitsu Kaisen

The animation for the most part is similar to show, and by that I mean fricking stunning.

The detail and character designs look amazing, and the battles are all fantastic.  There are some scenes where it has some cool unique animation that really sets it apart as a movie. The voice acting , like the series, is also top notch and with a solid soundtrack this movie is as pleasing to the ears as it is to the eyes.

On the whole Jujutsu Kaisen 0 is a fantastic little side story that fans will enjoy.  It would be a good enough entry to the series for a newbie, but the first season is way better.  Either way, this blu-ray is an easy recommendation.

Jujitsu Kaisen
Jujutsu Kaisen Bluray (Anime) Review
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