Named after the development studio, Trepang2 is a gore filled future set FPS that’s as fast paced as it is action filled.
You are a soldier who has recently awoken with no clue of who you are or where you are.
Starting out with nothing you’ll immediately learn to be stealthy as you roam the halls and rooms of an industrial looking Black site.
It’s not too long before you’ll encounter your first weapon and realise that there’s something special about you.
You have powers, a super-soldier who can warp time and has strength beyond the normal human limits.
Slow down ‘bullet-time’ or cloak yourself to be invisible for that sneaky take down of an enemy. You also have super-human strength. So if your weapon doesn’t cut it, or your low on ammo and outnumbered use you inhuman strength to wipe out multiple enemies at once.
Enemy AI is top shelf and they will dynamically react, which makes every fight, whether melee or weapon based unique. You can combo up your shoot outs with melee and also recommend where possible to make use of your invisibility to stealth kill.
The game is strictly linear. There’s not a lot of room for wider exploration as your environments, although fluid, are definitely walled in.
Having played an early release, I encountered some interesting ragdoll physics when it came to downing foes and quite a few environmental glitches (I was able to walk through a wall accidentally and then got stuck within that wall, needing to restart the game. This happened a few times).
Your loadout in Trepang2 tends to be generous, I was never caught short on bullets, and there’s some super firepower to be had.
Trepang2 isn’t an entirely new concept for a FPS, but it sure is hell fun to play. If you enjoyed the FEAR series, or want something that’s no nonsense and offers up satisfying and bloody combat give it a go.
Released: June 2023
Rating: R18i
Platforms reviewed: PC
Genre: FPS
Developer: Trepang Studios
Publisher: Team17