Everyone knows that Christopher Walken rules, so it will be no surprise when I say that now.
Yet somehow he had been in a series of movies about angels getting their murder on that I was none the wiser about. So when I had the chance to check out The Prophecy Collection, I jumped on it.
The first Prophecy flick follows a detective looking into some weird deaths, with some weirder corpses. It turns out there is a prophecy about a second war in heaven, and Gabrielle the archangel is trying to get things kicked off. The detective investigating what is going on lost his faith after seeing weird visions, and so the two come face to face. I really don’t want to spoil too much of the story, because while not being unpredictable, it’s a silly fun romp to follow along.
The movie is elevated with Gabrielle being played by Christopher Walken who absolutely nails the role.
Viggo Mortensen plays Lucifer and absolutely slays that role too. The bulk of the acting is solid which helps you move past the very dated effects, and what you wind up with is a great movie that isn’t going to be many peoples top film, but it’s a damn entertaining time.
Then there are the 4 sequels. All are direct to video movies, and as far as they go, they aren’t as bad as you may expect. The first 2 sequels have Christopher Walken in them, and while the third is a giant slice of OK, the second movie is reasonably solid. I can’t touch the story without spoiling previous movies, so I won’t. The 4th and 5th movies don’t star our legendary Christopher Walken, and while being more recent, are just OK.
The movies come in a cool hardcover box, with some photo cards inside. The first and third films have some great special features, making the whole thing a very cool tidy package.
The Prophecy movies are the exact kind of series that deserve their cult following.
They are just good enough in the right ways, and kinda bad in the right ways, to make for a really entertaining watch. None of them will be my favourite movie, but no doubt I’ll be whipping them out for a rewatch on the regular.