Horizon Call of the Mountain is the must have PlayStation VR2 game right now.
With rich detail and explosion of the colourful world that Horizon is, you are smack bang within the live and hazardous environment with the ultimate goal of surviving.
Shane from STG was invited to have a virtual chat with Jan-Bart van Beek, the Studio Director and Studio Art Director at Guerrilla Games, the developers of the Horizon series of PlayStation exclusive games.
Shane: When Horizon Zero Dawn was first released, had there been the initiative to make a PS VR2 version back then, or is this a totally new concept?
Jan-Bart van Beek: The first suggestion to make a VR game based on the world of Horizon actually predates the release of the first game. We had shipped RIGS on the first PSVR back in 2016, and we immediately thought that we should start making plans towards another VR game. It took quite a while before we really started working on the concept. We asked our developers for their initial concept pitches, further developed those concepts and prototyped, and then we went into full production around 2019.
Shane: For PlayStation gamers that have played through the story of Horizon Zero Dawn, what can they expect from Horizon Call of the Mountain?
Jan-Bart van Beek: It’s an incredible experience immersing yourself in the world of Horizon in VR. For players of the original game there will be some familiar places and characters, but of course the stars of the show are the massive machines you will be battling. And that’s really something that players won’t be prepared for. The size of the machines is just incredible seen from your own perspective.
In terms of story, we wanted to lean into the concept of seeing the world from a different perspective as well. So a new main character was developed that would allow players to see Aloy’s world from a different point of view.
Shane: We see characters from the original game in Horizon Call of the Mountain, what can you tell us about Ryas?
Jan-Bart van Beek: Ryas is a disgraced former Shadow Carja soldier. But there is a plot afoot that might be able to throw the Carja empire in disarray, as well as put thousands in harm’s way. Marad, the spymaster of the Carja, knows there is only one person who can take on the job, and that is Ryas. And so, we’ll see him take on a dangerous enemy, while also confronting his own dark past and hopefully finding some form of redemption.
Shane: Myself having played Horizon Call of the Mountain I’m in awe of the vast heights and scenic scapes experienced in VR. What experience do you hope the players receive?
Jan-Bart van Beek: That is exactly what we had hoped. Horizon is all about being in awe. Being in awe of its majestic landscapes, the rich tribal cultures or the fearsome machines. It’s one of the key goals for any of our games. And we feel that VR is a great fit for that. There is something very magical about VR and I hope as many people as possible get to experience that.
We also understand that there will be many players who will be new to VR, so we’ve worked hard to make this a great experience to VR players of all experience levels. We’ve also included a more passive theme park-style experience with the riverboat ride, so you can even put the headset on your granny and give her a thrilling experience.
Shane: Last question – will we see more Horizon in VR?
Jan-Bart van Beek: That’s a great question for another day 😉