
Play like a pro on PlayStation with Sony’s epic DualSense Edge controller for PlayStation 5 (PS5).

Sony has bought functionality to the PS5 that PC gamers have had forever – profile customsation.

The DualSense Edge PS5 controller is not your average pad. It’s curvier, a little thicker and is equipped with an additional two buttons and two sensitivity sliders for haptic feedback.

In the box there’s a very nice carry case which holds four additional caps for the joysticks (high to low profile), two lower trigger paddles, a charging adaptor which allows you to charge from the case and a super long 10ft braided USB cable to wire up and game longer.

PlayStation DualSense Edge PS5 Controller

Just like a gaming mouse for PC, the DualSense Edge controller has mappable and programmable buttons, via Profile creation.

You can re-map the buttons to your liking and play style for a particular title, infact almost any game and once you’ve set you controls to how you’d like to play, save it under a Profile.

When it’s game on flick the lower right side bumper button (below the right joystick) to bring up your custom Profile menu in-game and select, or create a new one.

PlayStation DualSense Edge PS5 Controller

The low to high joystick swappables are caps that will replace the existing standard ones and again will be suited to your playing preference.

Easily popped off and popped on I found I was so used to the standard caps after years of PlayStation gaming and went back to using those.

The underside triggers need to be fitted. Again you have a choice of slim and small to the larger modules.

The smaller ones worked for me (there were less accidental bumps).

PlayStation DualSense Edge PS5 Controller

Speaking of, while in-game I found I would frequently and unintentionally activate the Profile button when in a fierce and fast and moment – which brings up the Profile creation or selection menu.

While I’m button mashing the DualSense Edge controller trying to survive the action, periodically the menu would pop up. Fortunately it is a small window and doesn’t take you away from the action and is clearly something I need to be mindful of and get used to using the DualSense Edge.

To be fair, there is a slight delay before the Profile menu shows to try and compensate for those accidental bumps.

PlayStation DualSense Edge PS5 Controller

The DualSense Edge’s battery life is a bit shorter than the standard PS5 controller.

Generally you should get around 12ish hours out of the standard one whereas the DualSense Edge can run out of juice at around 6 to 10 hours.

Not much of a difference considering you have all of these extra features, buttons and the all-new haptic feedback.

Ultimately designed for online brawlers like Apex Legends, Fortnite and FPS’s  for super quick action and load outs the DualSense Edge is also great for RPG’s – or any game that has the need for quick selections and a lot of in-game menu systems.

Around $399 NZD at the tome of writing this review, the PS5 DualSense Edge controller is an investment. But it’s not your average controller for PlayStation or designed for the casual gamer.

The DualSense Edge controller is a serious piece of kit with an arsenal of swap outs to suit any pro PlayStation player.

PlayStation DualSense Edge PS5 Controller
PlayStation DualSense Edge Controller Review
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