NOW CLOSED – The social racing title and only exclusive racing title for PlayStation 4; DriveClub is now released and you can Win a copy of this unique, one of a kind game from us here at Shane the Gamer.

Drive Together, Win Together, DriveClub is all about you and your friends.
It’s about teamwork; it’s about everyone fighting for one another and earning rewards together – and most importantly it’s about sharing in the sheer thrill of every race.
It permanently connects you and your friends, always allowing you to share your experiences, send and receive challenges, and to keep up to speed with your team’s performance.
Thanks to PlayStation we are giving away one copy of the game.
To Enter just answer this Question correctly:
#DriveClub is developed by Evolution Studios, which is apart of Sony PlayStation Worldwide Studios. What other game did they make that was not only an exclusive to the PlayStation platform but also took the racing genre by Storm?
A: Crash Bandicoot Racing
B: MotorStorm
C: Gran Turismo
You can do this by placing a Comment below, hitting us up on Facebook, Tweet to us, or Email Us.
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*Winners will be randomly selected from those that Comment below / Facebook Comment / Email the correct answer to the above question. Winners will receive a Full Copy of  the DriveClub game for the PlayStation 4. Competition ends the the 31st of October 2014. DriveClub is Rated G in New Zealand.
What do you reckon?