Wellington Armageddon Expo or Wellygeddon for short, puts on a great show for itself, even though I wish there was just… more.

Situated in the Westpac Stadium right in the city centre, Wellygeddon, like it’s other shows around the country, has been a yearly event for some time now. Things have changed since my first show back in 2010 such as the location, but for the most part, things haven’t, which isn’t always a good thing.

This year, Wellygeddon was pushed forward to the March time slot, a first for the Wellington shows (at least to my knowledge).

This was mainly due to the weather conditions and winter season in June (in New Zealand). Personally, I don’t think it really made a difference. Although it’s no doubt difficult to find a suitable location in the heart of Wellington City, I do wonder how much longer it will be situated at the stadium for. The limitations are paramount, and the environment isn’t a fun one to be in. Don’t get me wrong, I’ll always have a place for Wellygeddon, I just don’t know much longer I can take circling the interior like a conveyer belt, being forced in one direction and having no room or time to stop and have a look at the stands.

Jeremy Renner

There is hope for Wellygeddon though.

As we all know, Auckland is New Zealand’s hub for entertainment events etc, so it comes with a certain understanding that Auckgeddon will always be the biggest event for Armageddon Expo. Saying this, other areas around New Zealand are getting more attention and it’s exciting to see this in the industry.

A prime example of this would be around the celebrity guests. I can’t tell you how many times I roll my eyes at those who moan about ‘bigger’ celebrities always being at the Auckland show and not in the other areas when the celebrity’s own personal schedule is a huge factor to what show they can attend in the year.

Wellygeddon 2018 was able to host one of the biggest stars of this generation and in one of the most successful franchises of all time: Avengers’ Jeremy Renner.

Despite the difficult weather situations of the outdoor stage, people filled the seats to catch a glimpse of a real life Avenger. The energy was high, comfortable and welcoming. There aren’t many places that celebrate being whoever you want to be or dress up however you want to dress up. Being able to sit next to a random person and having a conversation with them to fangirl or fanboy about the opportunity to meet someone from your favourite TV show.

They’re great environments to be in and I’m so glad New Zealand can put on these shows despite our location in comparison to the rest of the world.

Bigger shop names made way for the smaller, independent artists and businesses, allowing people to showcase their artistic talents or provide knick-knacks and collectibles for customers to buy and treasure. My purchase for the day was a Mockingjay pin from the Hunger Games movies, something I’ve been wanting for years. I was surprised by the likes of Mighty Ape having a smaller stand at this year’s Wellygeddon and was a tad gutted because I think it’s always great to see the online store out and about at events. Saying this, Omen HP did have a stand and it was cool to see people having hands on experience with the products, something usually dedicated to Auckgeddon.

Wellygeddon faces two options, let the spark dwindle away or ignite the flame and glow brighter than ever before. I very much hope it’s the latter because there’s something special about Wellington Armageddon Expo.


What do you reckon?