Sony Mobile also unveiled two stunning super mid-range models in its refreshed “X” series, Xperia XA1, and its 6” screen big brother Xperia XA1 Ultra. Building on the success of last year’s XA models, the XA1 and XA1 Ultra feature a beautiful borderless design to make the most of the edge-to-edge screen, cameras that are worthy of a high-end premium status and octa-core processors.
Camera expertise is taken from Sony’s digital camera division to deliver a leading rear camera for both XA1 and XA1 Ultra that offers 23MP high resolution with a large 1/2.3” ExmorRS for mobile sensor, bright F2.0 lens and superior lowlight capability. Users are guaranteed a superfast journey from launch to capture in 0.6s and incredibly fast and accurate Hybrid Autofocus, so even the most spontaneous moments are always in focus.
Front cameras are the backbone of the selfie world and the 8MP, 23mm wide-angle lens on Xperia XA1 will let you capture all the action even in a group selfie without missing anyone out. The XA1 Ultra features a 16MP front camera with Optical Image Stabiliser to eliminate the effects of handshake and improve low-light selfies, plus a smart selfie flash to naturally illuminate your face. Both models allow you to capture the perfect selfie easily with just a wave via the ‘Hand Shutter’ camera feature.
The beautiful borderless design introduced in 2016 has been refined to create the illusion of a seamlessly never-ending surface whose curvature aids the perfect fit in your hand.The edge-to-edge HD (720p) 5” screen on XA1 and Full HD (1080p) 6” screen on XA1 Ultra is supported by display technologies to deliver a crisp, sharp viewing experience.
Sony craftsmanship is clear to see with the diamond cut-like finish on top and bottom, along with the choice of materials such as the aluminium sides which create a luxurious feel in the hand.
With their power-efficientMediaTekhelio P20 octa-core processors you get a quick and smooth experience, whether you browse the web, watch a video or play your favourite game.
Both XA1 and XA1 Ultra are designed to ensure a longer lasting performance over the smartphone’s lifetime. Qnovo Adapt Charging monitors the battery’s health and adjusts charging current accordingly to avoid damage and maximise lifespan; while Stamina Mode keeps your battery going for longer when you really need it the most by disabling some of the functions and extending its lifetime.
Sony’s Smart Cleaner cleverly manages the performance and memory of your device by clearing the cache and unused apps automatically in order to attain the best speed and performance without degradation over time. Additionally, both models support quick charging to give you hours of power in just a few minutes.