Doctor Who is such an amazing series, but it has been so hard to find.
DVD’s, Blurays and streaming services occasionally have one series at a time at most. Fortunately it seems like they are being re-released on DVD, so you can finally stock up your collection.
So it was time to check out Peter Capaldi’s second season, with Doctor Who: The Complete Ninth Series.
Series eight finished on a shocking twist with the Twelfth Doctor and his companion Clara headed separate ways. series nine kicks off with Santa having some issues on a rooftop. Clara walks out of a door to see him, realise who he is, and the series kicks off full Doctor Who chaos.
After series eight ended I did wonder if they were going to bring in a new companion for the Ninth doctor I was glad they didn’t get rid of Clara as I thought they were a great pair. And in Series Nine this only gets better. A lot of the episodes instead of being just one and done, carry on over a couple of episodes which is so great to watch.
It’s not uncommon for Doctor Who to be a bit all over the place tonally, it’s kinda where a lot of the charm comes from. You can have a super dark episode, followed by a strange and wacky one.
In series nine there are some episodes where they jump around too much and it kind of loses some of the momentum. One of the early episodes the Doctor goes to help a boy in a vast desert looking space, surrounded by strange hand mines. It’s creepy as hell, when the Doctor realises who the boy is, someone that causes a very big baddy to exist in the future, he leaves. Then the episode jumps around way too much, instead of just landing that punch of an ethical dilemma.
That’s probably the most critical thing I can say though, is that jumping around too much?
As someone reasonably new to the show, I may just need that little bit more hand holding than some much longer term fans. Having said that, It may be one of my favourite seasons I have seen thus far. Some of the episodes are brilliantly dark and serious, and some silly as expected. Peter Capaldi keeps absolutely slapping in the role, and it’s just damn fine TV.
The DVD itself is loaded with heaps of awesome special features.
The first disc includes a short prequel and a refresher from series eight, which are both dope. Then there are heaps and heaps of behind the scenes shots throughout which is an amazing add on.
One the whole, Doctor Who: Series Nine is a fantastic series and well worth a watch. The DVD collection includes so much awesomeness that makes it well worth adding to your collection. Thank goodness it is now more readily available to enjoy.