NOW CLOSED – The weekend of the 24th to the 27th of October, 2014 will see Auckland’s ASB Showgrounds besieged by cosplayers, gamers, comics, actors, wrestlers, science fiction, horror, merchandise and possibly YOU.

Shane the Gamer has TWO Armageddon Expo 2014 Double Passes to Giveaway for the three day event in Auckland, New Zealand.

Aramgedon Expo

To Enter, it’s easy, just answer this Question:

If you were to cosplay to attend the Armageddon Expo, what or who would you come as?

There is no right or wrong answer and any answer that is related to this question puts you into the draw.

Aramgedon Expo

You can do this by placing a Comment below, hitting us up on Facebook, or Tweet us.

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*Winners will be randomly selected from those that Comment below / Facebook Comment / Email the correct answer to the above question. Winners will receive a a Double Pass for the Armageddon Expo 2014 at Auckland, New Zealand’s ASB Showgrounds. Competition ends the 19th of October 2014. The Double Pass ticket will be sent out to the winner(s) and are not transferable.

What do you reckon?