
Kingdom Hearts is a long-standing action JRPG series with the first title released back on the PlayStation 2 in 2002. The actual third instalment has been a long time in the making with numerous spin off titles in the interim. With Kingdom Hearts 3 just around the river bend Square Enix finally brings the series to PlayStation 4 and gives us a teaser of things to come with Kingdom Hearts HD II.8 Final Chapter Prologue.

Kingdom Hearts 2.8, like the other collections, include at least one of the spin off titles for the series, this one includes the 3DS title, Kingdom Hearts 3D: Dream Drop Distance. This title was and is a great addition to series. I originally played it on the 3DS. Playing it here on the PS4 however doesn’t exactly do it justice as Dream Drop Distance incorporates many device specific mechanics, such as the touch screen and stylus stick into the game, which worked wonderfully on the 3DS but becomes a bit clunky in translation. That isn’t to say it the translation is by any means unplayable I just found it a smoother experience on the original intended gaming console. The mechanics aside the sound and look have been translated rather well. Dream Drop Distance looks better than I remember on 3DS and sounds as great.

The big draw card for this new collection is the inclusion of new content to the series. Kingdom Hearts 0.2: Birth By Sleep – Fragmentary Passage follows Aqua after the occurrences of Birth By Sleep. This section is also a prelude to the next big sequel of the game giving more detail, understanding and connection to the complex universe of Kingdom Hearts.

While it is not a particular lengthy bit of the game it does a great job of throwing you into Aqua’s situation and providing a new level of intrigue to Aqua’s story in a very traditional Kingdom Hearts experience.

I appreciated that the game picks up where, in theory, you left off.

You have a good selection of powers and start at Level 50. You are even able to Level up from here. While only a snippet of game there are still little tasks and objectives to complete that provide for a more engaging experience. Though the completion of these objectives only offer new character aesthetics, it was a nice way to spruce up the game considering its short nature.

One thing that stands out is the improvement in graphic quality. Both Aqua and the environments she explores are beautiful and well defined. The textures are certainly an improvement on any previous entry. I enjoyed the entire section and am more keen than ever to get my hands on the incredibly long awaited Kingdom Hearts 3.

Lastly this collection includes a video compilation of the phone game Kingdom Hearts X. While this is not a title I have played, the cinematic is quite vague and doesn’t really seem to add any meaning or understandable story to the already confusing conundrum that is the Kingdom Hearts storyline. The presentation of the cinematic doesn’t allow much for one to follow what is happening either.

The collection is a bit smaller than the previous instalments but offers fans both the chance to play through one of the better spin offs, Kingdom Hearts 3D: Dream Drop Distance and experience something new with Kingdom Hearts 0.2: Birth By Sleep – Fragmentary Passage. I really enjoyed both though would still recommend playing through Dream Drop Distance on the 3DS. Kingdom Hearts HD II.8 Final Chapter Prologue is an interesting, fun and well-presented, (in the words of the title), final chapter prologue.

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Kingdom Hearts 2.8 (PlayStation 4) Review

Released: January 2017
Rating: PG
Platforms: PlayStation 4
Genre: Adventure, JRPG
Developer: Square Enix
Publisher: Disney

4.0Overall Score
Reader Rating 0 Votes