Hold on to your butts…

Strap on those power under garments and get ready to fight and blast your way through fast paced Levels either on your own in an adrenalin fuelled, timed bout taking down targets in your tighty whities.

Brief Battles from Juicy Cupcake sets you up with seven characters initially across a wide and varied menu of multi-tiered Levels that, as you imagine have varying difficulties.

Initially you and your power-buttocks are ushered in to play via a tutorial in Challenge mode, where you get to grips with a few varying Undies, from super heavy ground pounding through to chilli night fiery explosive underpants, super cool icy blast and more. Infact, every power up, ever super power for that matter is via special undies hidden inside presents. If you’re not careful though, you can become trapped inside a present.

Within Challenge mode there’s five varying sub categories; The Basics, Underpants Collector, Tighty Whitey targets, Butt-Em-Up Battles and Endless Butt-Em-Up. Each varying category has a wealth of Challenges within.

Brief Battles

Generally each Level requires a certain underwear and in Single Player you must take down the targets in order to pass through a Level.

You are awarded Bronze, Silver and Gold, depending on just how well you and your gluteus maximus perform in a round. As you are against a tight time limit in your as equally tight fitting undies you really begin to feel the wedgie grip as more and more targets pop up while your clock begins to wind down.

Very quickly you will learn to make use of environmental assists, such as… umm.. black holes to whizz around a Level lightning fast. Levels are not always to your advantage and can have tricky to avoid, deadly hazards aswell.

As much fun as all of the above is, Brief Battles is really made for Multiplayer in Battle mode.

Brief Battles

Playing with and against up to four undie clad folk either locally or online will see you partaking in mini-battles, aiming for the most targets, while, of course undie-ing it out against eachother.

Brief Battles is a simple title, with, of course, crude humour that appeals to people like me. The replayability factor is endless. And while I quite often got my ass kicked online (but I also got to a bit of ass kicking aswell) – it was local multiplayer that I enjoyed the most.

Placing all butt related puns aside, Brief Battles is a definite play. Hilarious, really, really addictive, hidden guest characters to unlock such as Yooka-Laylee Violet, Goo Kevin (World of Goo), Machinarium Tubbins (Machinarium) and an excellent title to give you bragging rights against your mates. Make them the butt of your Brief Battle jokes (I knew I had one more pun in me).

Brief Battles – become that Underwearrior you know that you are and crack into it (sorry, last pun I promise).


Brief Battles (Xbox One) Review
Game Details

Released: April 2019
Rating: G
Platforms: Xbox One (reviewed), also on PlayStation 4, PC (Windows 10)
Genre: Fighting
Developer: Juicy Cupcake
Publisher: Juicy Cupcake

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