When Black Clover Season 2 ended we were left with all kind of emotions.

We were still knee deep in the battle with the elves, Father Orsi has been poisoned, Asta has a new sword, it was bombastic. So now for the 51 episodes that makes up Black Clover Season 3.

A solid chunk of Season 2 is still based around this battle with the Elves.

I really like the development we get with some of these characters as we realise that they were colossally screwed over in their time but are now insane psychopaths. It is really hard to touch too much of this without spoiling it but I really enjoyed it. Some of the characters like Luck and his body inhabitant really stand out early in the season as really interesting characters in their own rights.

Black Clover - Anime

Then we get some utter chaos in the world as we discover more about the Magic Parliament and sway that nobles in the world have. Because of some events the Wizard King doesn’t have the power he had to persuade people.

This means that Asta and Secre find themselves in trouble as they look too much like devils. A lose connection to the Elves means that they decide Asta needs to be executed.  And here we get the next major chunk of the season as they try to prove their innocence. Dancing around spoilers is hard.

As with usual in Black Clover there is plenty of filler.

In general I have been enjoying the filler more and more as they really start to add layers to the characters.  Sure, there is heaps that could have been cut, but over 100 episodes in we know what the show is bringing us, and as far as filler goes, it is much better than it has been.

What is really incredible is how consistently Asta is growing as a character.

Black Clover - Anime

Sure he shouts a lot and has a brute force mentality, but nowhere near what it was. Early on in Black Clover his real only appeal is that he is the extreme underdog, but at each stage he grows, becomes much more interesting, and much more likable.

He isn’t the only one with this arc, characters like Noelle who are frustratingly tropey keep getting better.

Her initial entitled grumpy noble story is a bit cliche, but she keeps becoming more and more likeable.  Sure she still has her tropes, but from season to season she has become more grounded, well most of the time, and much more interesting.  Still tropey, but way less so as she progresses. Season 3 keeps this going.

While the 51 episode seasons seem long, and again plenty of filler, the real benefit is the time we get developing these characters. Most of the time it earns every episode, and makes it really worth popping on and enjoying in the foreground, in the background, wherever.

Black Clover - Anime

The bluray collection is awesome. Because the season was sold individually as parts, this is really just a collection of all those discs. This means that there is heaps of bonus content which is spread throughout the discs. I would have preferred a couple of discs compiling it because you’re more likely to binge the season first, at least it is all there. There is the slew of Clover Clips, but also some time with the actors. The most interesting here was one with how working from home worked.

Black Clover Season 3 isn’t perfect, but it is a banger.

This box set is the perfect way to binge it and enjoy this excellent season of this fantastic anime. You won’t be able to dive in here as the early parts of the show very much carry straight on from Season 2, so if you don’t want to start at season 1 I would start at season 2, but once you are done there dive straight into this Clover Kingdom action!

Black Clover - Anime
Black Clover Season 3 (Anime) Review
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